The Grimm
Thought I would share a link to my friend Michael Beazley's website for "The Grimm".
Currently working as the main colorist for issue 3 (still in the works atm) as well as doing the flats for issue 2.
Character Pinups + Art (NO PORN REQUESTS! Nudes acceptable)
Avatars/Icons - $10 including color - 100x100
pixels (72 ppi)
Head Sketches - $30 - W/color $45 - 8.5x11 (300 ppi)
Bust Sketches - $50 - W/color $65 – 8.5x11 (300 ppi)
Full Body Sketches - $70 W/color $85 – 8.5x11 (300 ppi)
Character + background (complete pieces) $130 - W/color $160 8.5x11 (300 ppi)
Additional characters + $25 each figure
Special request pieces (I.E. size dimensions, specific elements, etc) will
change value depending on what the request is.
Digital files only .Tiff & .Jpg
Payment through paypal
Half the price upfront and the other half when I am done.
Email me to put your request in.( If you feel as though you are having issues
reaching me through email just send me a message through deviantart.)
Include in the email the following information.
Full name:
Commission type:
Character: (I may ask for references or
more information if I am unfamiliar with the character.)
Purpose of piece: (Mainly to know if it’s for personal enjoyment or to be used
for something else)
Additional notes or questions:
I will respond to all requests as fast as possible. If I have more commissions
then can be handled I will put you on a list and get to as soon as I am able
Tooning it up
Squirrel Girl
Possibly one of my favorite characters ever for more the just obvious reasons.
Gonna do some stuff involving her later on.
Characters created by good friend Raymond Karulski
Background comic strip sketches by Raymond Karulski
(permission given to use comic strips by ray)
Epic Girl, Metapod, Pikachu drawn and colored by me
This is a piece I did for my friend ray, me and him and my other friend john meet up once a week and draw till like 5 am
So we have all been drawing each others own personal characters
So this is my take on his epic girl character and two of his other favorite characters he draws!
Hope ya like it ray
portfolio website
Got a bunch of stuff on there including some of my photography
gonna get a go daddy account eventually to have my own domain name

Been watching a lot of Batman the animated series, just a quick study of the costume. Might come back and do a more finished piece later in the future.
Stages of how I do my work
Current work of 2009
Work from 2008
About this time I started working on developing my style and trying to figure out the direction I wanted to take with my art. So this was a very interesting experimental stage with what I was doing.
Older work from 2007

About Me
- Christopher Denney
- Hello and thanks for visiting my blog! I am a graduate of The American Academy of Art located in Chicago where I received my Bachelors of Fine Art Degree. My main talents as an illustrator are concept designs and advertising art. My favorite form of art to create is pinup because who doesn't love drawing and looking at pretty girls! My goals as an Illustrator are to create art that is stylized, colorful, and sultry, something you don’t want to look away from or will at least grab your attention if passed by. Creating pinup is my dream, its fun and I love every bit of it. Not just the art but photographs as well, which happens to be my second favorite form of art to work with. I am an Illustrator who does both art and photography, each one helping the other out. My photography helps me get the much needed reference, and my art gives my photography more life with the ideas it inspires.